Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Trevor Lawrence is Out Here Treating the Big Man on Campus Role Like a 1980s Movie Villain

I understand the whole argument in defense of Trevor Lawrence and it makes a ton of sense.  There are guys you can play a little rough with and guys you can't...the superstar freshman QB who just won you a national championship and might win you two more is on that list of guys you can't.  I get that.  

With that being said, that argument isn't for Trevor Lawrence to make, and even if it is there are better ways to go about it.  The fact of the matter is that he stepped out on the floor.  Once the ball goes up you play, bitch.  Is everyone just supposed to naturally know they need to pussyfoot around you because you're the big man on campus?  

Let me put it like this: you're playing basketball with someone who is clearly bigger and more athletically gifted and they are fucking SMASHING you because they're way bigger and way more gifted athletically.  It makes total sense they would dominate.  It also makes total sense that if you have an ounce of competitive fire in your body, then you are going to try to do something - anything - to stop the massacre.  I don't think setting a pick on a guy is absolutely egregious, I'm sorry I just don't.  If you wanna play easy breezy basketball, you need to make that shit known before you step on the hardwood.  Maybe next time you can wear a red mesh jersey like in practice to let people know they're not allowed to touch you.  Problem solved.

Now that I'm re-watching, the location of the pick is kind of egregious.  There wasn't much of a fast break and Trevor Lawrence is pretty much as far away from his basket as he can be.  

So I guess just one shove next time, and maybe a soft dick tap for good measure.  Let's keep it light fellas.

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