Source - A man in Chicago paid a hefty price when he tried to rob a hot dog stand — he accidentally shot himself in the penis during the getaway.
Terrion Pouncy, 19, held two employees of Maxwell Street Express at gunpoint early Monday morning, demanding that they hand over their wallets and the restaurant's cash, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
At the time of the robbery, one of the victims reportedly had been carrying a large bucket of grease. With the gun pointed at his head, the employee was trying to hand over a stack of $1 bills but the bucket slipped and the money flew out of his hands.
Pouncy grabbed the fallen money and started to run away while trying to secure his gun at his waist. But as he fled, the gun accidentally went off and shot him in the penis, the Sun-Times said.
The thief didn’t make it very far before the pain of his injuries took over and he collapsed in front of a house nearby.
He was taken to Christ Hospital, where he was later arrested by the Chicago Police and charged with two counts of armed robbery, the Sun-Times said.
As of Thursday, he was reportedly still in the hospital and unable to attend a bond hearing. The judge ordered him held without bond.
First let us just appreciate the beauty that is the irony of this situation. Shooting off your dick while trying to steal from a place known for handing out wieners is one cruel twist of fate. Karma is one nasty bitch and and this poor bastard got cockslapped by Karma about ten seconds into a major, major fuck up. Don't get me wrong, stealing is bad and I am on the record as saying you shouldn't point guns at people, but this guy's haul wasn't even going to be anywhere close to worth it. A stack of $1 bills are you kidding me, bro? That is the exact point our guy Terrion should have been taken a step back and re-evaluated the situation.
Terrion (thinking): Damn all they got is singles? Is all this hassle really even worth it for that?

Grease all over the place, grabbing gross wet soggy singles off the ground and stuffing them into your pockets, at that point your day already sucks and your clothes are ruined.
Now add shooting your dick off into that mix. It makes the whole situation like way, way worse than before. And on top of that, I'll bet you dollars to dogs that after young Terrion collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain, he came to and slowly opened his eyes to see nothing but pictures of wieners and other dick shaped tubed meats all around the room, lit up and staring him directly in the face, laughing at his misfortune.
Big time buzzkill. That's why I've always said I'll never rob a hot dog stand, this story right here.
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